Lamentations 3:21-23 (ESV)
21But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:
22The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
23they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Jesus I love you!
Father, thank you for being The God of Hope. You are My Hope.
Thank you for Your Holy Spirit, who puts me in remembrance of You. Who reveals You and Your Nature and Your Heart's Desires to me. Who exalts and honors Your Goodness continuously. Who reminds and reveals all of you to me.
Thank you for Your Goodness. Thank you for Your Steadfast Love which words cannot express. How deep, How high, How long, How wide Your Steadfast Love is. You are The God of Love. You are Love.
You are Mercy. You and Your Mercy never end. Amazing! Limitless, expansion of Love and Mercy. Thank you, My God! Jehovah!
Thank you that every morning when I awake, You are with me.
Your Steadfast Love and Mercy drawing me to know you. Deeper and deeper we go. What a gift! Thank you, Father, thank you!
Your Faithfulness is unbreakable, unshakeable. Always faithful through and through. That is you. Always faithful. Always true.
Oh My God, how I love you!
Jesus, I love you!
Father, thank you for your Steadfast Love, Mercy, and Faithfulness that never end. Thank you for being The God of Hope and The God of Love and The Merciful God whose mercies are new every morning and never end. Father, I pray for all of your children to know you. That we may know you deeply, intimately, and completely. That we may know the fullness of the Godhead bodily and manifest your nature and your goodness to others. That we may be in one accord in your love, in your mercy, and in your faithfulness. That we may be the express image of Jesus, the Light of The World. That Your Glory may shine through us. That we may glorify Your Name. All glory to You, Most High God. All honor and All praise to Your Holy Name. Hallelujah to Jesus! Now and forevermore. In Jesus name, Amen.