Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves - His Love Song to Me

Ecclesiastes 7:8-9 (NIV)

8 The end of a matter is better than its beginning,

and patience is better than pride.

9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit,

for anger resides in the lap of fools.


My Light is Your Shining Armor.

My Light is always Your Shining Armor.

Anger is darkness.

Darkness creates a hole in your shield, your armor, and gives entry of the enemy.

Even if brief, it occurs, and truly he just needs an opening and he is in.

Thankfully through Awareness, The Word, and Me, we can get him out again.

But why let him in at all?

That is foolishness and you are smarter than that.

Wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

Make a choice.

Choose Grace, Patience and Mercy over anger, and your life will shine like Me.

Patience, Grace, Mercy, Calmness in all situations produces great fruit and the enemy cannot touch you.

Rise high with Me and walk in Me and My Ways.

My Ways are infinitely better and more powerful.

Growing and expanding higher into greater glories, knowing the best is yet to come and finishing strong.

This is The Way.

Patience, Grace, Mercy, and Kindness will launch you higher and higher.

Less self/ flesh and more of Me, exalting Me, the higher you will go.

Promotions abound as you soar in My Peace, My Way, My Glory.

Wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

Glory to God in The Highest!

On earth peace to ALL men.

I love you with an everlasting love always and forever.

Hallelujah to Jesus!

Praise His Holy Name!


Father, Thank you for Your Mercy, Your Grace, Your Kindness, and Your Patience. Thank you, Father for Your Way, the ONLY Way. Praise you for Your Wisdom! Praise you for Your Light! Praise you and thank you for The Armor of God! Thank you for Awareness, The Word, and O Holy Father, thank you for YOU! Father, I pray for all to choose YOU!  I pray for all to choose Grace to choose Patience and to choose Mercy over anger that their life will shine like You. That we all may be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. That we may exalt You above all things. That You increase and we decrease in our lives so that You may shine forth as our Light and Shining Armor. Father, I pray that we may soar in Your Peace, Your Way, and Your Glory. Thank you Father through the ministry of The Holy Spirit you empower us to choose and walk in Grace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, and Calmness through all situations so that we give no place to the enemy and so that we may produce great fruit for Your Kingdom. Praise You and Thank You for Your Goodness and Your Power towards this end. In Jesus name, Amen.