No Fear - My Love Song to Him

Psalm 27:1 (NKJV) The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?


Jesus I love You!

I praise you and thank you, Father, You are The Light within me.

Thank you, Father, Your Light overcomes ALL darkness.

Thank you, Father, Your Light is continuously eliminating ALL darkness in this life, in my life.

I praise you and thank you, Father, You are my Yeshua, my Salvation. Your Name is Salvation!

You have already saved me, healed me, delivered me, and provided for me absolutely everything that I will ever need through the cross. Your blood is the cup of My Salvation. Everything already provided through your death, burial, resurrection.

And, Hallelujah, You are returning soon!

I praise you and thank you, Father, that I am already saved, healed, delivered, victorious, helped, and prospered through any and all circumstances in this world.

All situations, all circumstances bow the knee to Your Holy Name.

I praise you and thank you, Father, You are The Strength of my life. When I am weak, You are strong. You make me strong through the power of Your Word working in my life and through the power of Your Holy Spirit within me, strengthening me every moment of of every day.

If God be for me and God be in me, who can be against me? No-one! I say, No-one!

There is NOTHING to fear in this world. Absolutely NOTHING to fear!

Praise YOU Lord!

For You have given me Your Victory.

You have given me Your Life.

You have given me world overcoming faith.

I have found the place in You, where I am awe and reverence of You and I fear NOTHING else!

I will not fear!  I will not fear what man can do unto me!

Your Light, Your Salvation, and Your Strength have given me victory over ALL fear.

I praise YOU Lord!

I praise You and You alone.

All Honor, all Glory, all Praise, all Thanksgiving to You and You alone!

Hallelujah!  I am free!

Jesus, I love You!


 Father, I praise you and thank you for Your Light, Your Salvation, and Your Strength. I praise you and thank you that through You, I have overcome all fear in my life and I am free! I praise you and thank you for The Victory You have given me in this life. Father, I pray, for this victory to be known to all of your saints. For all those who believe in You. I pray for all saints to experience through revelation The Victory over this world that You have freely provided for those who believe in You. I pray for a strengthening of their faith in You, who You are, and all that you have freely provided. I pray for all your saints to claim it and receive it and walk in it on earth as it is in Heaven. All praise to You, Father. All Glory to You. You are The Victorious One. You have provided The Victory for all saints and I thank you for it! In Jesus name, Amen