Psalm 23:1 (NKJV) The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want
Jesus, I love you!
Father, thank you that You are My Great Shepherd leading me, guiding me, protecting me, loving me, and providing for me.
Every need, every desire, every hope, every dream all found in You and fulfilled by You.
Knowing that You are in me and with me and have gone before me every moment of every day.
Knowing also that you are my rear guard watching out for me from behind.
Knowing that any and every need that will ever arise, you have already fulfilled and already provided for me.
Knowing that there is no lack in any aspect of my life.
For this is my inheritance as your favorite, precious, beloved daughter of God in whom You are well pleased.
Everything You have and everything You are, You have freely given to me because You love me.
Father, thank you for laying down Your Life for me. Thank you for saving me, healing me, delivering me, and prospering me. The great exchange of the cross and resurrection. It is finished!
You and You alone are My Great Shepherd, providing absolutely everything lovingly and freely to me.
I love You. I cherish You. I honor You. I adore You. And I live for You.
Now, each day I lay down my life for You.
Have Your Way in me, for me, and through me, My Great Shepherd.
Everything I do, I do for You. And everything You do, You do for me to.
Father, all Praise, all Honor, all Glory to You! You alone are worthy to be praised! Father I pray for any and all who do not yet know you as their Great Shepherd. I pray that they seek you and say yes to You. I pray that they choose Jesus. I pray that they choose The Way, The Truth, and The Life. That they choose rightly. That they say 'No' to the ways of this world. And that they say 'Yes' to You. That they choose You and open their hearts to receive Your precious gift of Salvation. Eternal Life in relationship with You, here and now on earth, and forever in Heaven. I pray that they call on The Name of Jesus. For Your Word says, that whoever calls on Your Name, will be saved. In Jesus name, Amen.
Acts 2:21 (NKJV) And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the LORD Shall be saved.